Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Golden Strawberries

In my search for things that work and that help to clean out my system, I've come across something called a Golden Strawberry here in Turkey. They sell them in diet pill format (which I am currently trying) and fresh (when in season) and dried (year round). The benefits are meant to be that they clean your blood from toxins, are diuretic, boost your metabolism etc. They are very high in vitamin C and are supposed to be good for your skin and immune system. The dangers would be the diuretic part as keeping water in your system can be hard if you have too many of the berries or take too many of the pills. The berries are sour in taste but I kind of like them. After using the pill form for a couple of weeks, I'm not seeing a great big difference in my size but I am noticing that I'm a whole LOT more regular... hehe I think I'd rather just used the dried berries as part of a trail mix, in baking and on salads. Interesting way to detox and diet... and totally natural. Something to think about!

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