So it's been two weeks since I had my knee surgery. I thought I'd give up carbs and sugars to help me not pack on the pounds after the surgery but I'm an emotional eater and so I didn't. I've come to realize that being able to be active motivates me to eat well, to be more positive and to also be more social. Right now, all I do is stay home as much as possible, eat things that aren't great for me and gain weight because I'm eating sugary things, chips, breads, rice, pasta... whatever strikes my fancy. Sure, most of my portions are smaller but I'm not making good choices. Yes, my knee is healing beautifully and I'm able to walk around more and more each day (and I do)... I'm even able to go up and down stairs with some regularity now. I'm also doing some doctor prescribed exercises at home and am seeing strength return but I'm still sad that I can't run or even cycle. I know that it's only been two weeks and I'm keen to heal well and not rush it but I can't wait to be active again. I'm hoping that in 2 more weeks I can at least get back on my bike and break a sweat again. I'm also hoping that I can start making some good choices for my fuel intake. I will also say that needing an unexpected root canal (this just happened this past week) didn't help my emotional, pity party eating habits. It's times like this that I wish I had an accountability partner on the same track as me, dealing with my same issues to help talk me through and keep me motivated. I'm hoping that by posting on here, some of you will push me to make some better choices and will support my desire to get back on the pony express of good, healthy living. Stay tuned... I think it may be time to measure, weigh and do some embarrassing photos to help me get motivated too.